
The configuration functions all take two arguments, $file and $config

They all rely exclusively on augeas for configuration and thus, configuration is done using augeas commands for maximum flexibility.

The puppet-php module includes a custom lens backported from the augeas project, so it can support all PHP ini and FPM pool configurations out of the box.


The most basic configuration function in puppet-php.

It’s basically a wrapper for an augeas block, with the small twist that it automatically uses the internal augeas lens for PHP and for faster modification time.


This function do not trigger any refresh of services out of the box

Example code, configuring PHP APC to be enabled and use more memory than default.

php::config { 'a-unique-name':
  file    => '/path/to/the/ini/f,ile'
  config  => [
    'set .anon/apc.enabled 1',
    'set .anon/apc.shm_size 64M'


This function works exactly as php::config, with the added benefit that any modifications done through this function, ensures that PHP FPM is reloaded.


The default value for $file in this function is the actual PHP FPM configuration file


This function works exactly as php::config, with the added benefit that any modifications done through this function, ensures that apache is reloaded.


The default value for $file in this function is the actual PHP apache configuration file


This function works exactly as php::config, with no automatic service reloading.

It’s left there mostly for completeness sake, and for more precise and easy manifest authoring.


The default value for $file in this function is the actual PHP CLI configuration file